FAQs of the West Highland Way

How long is the West Highland Way?

The full West Highland Way is 96 miles starting at Milngavie and ending in Fort William.


What is the West Highland Way weather like?

This is the West of Scotland so even in the summer you can expect four seasons in one day. The west coast can be quite wet so make sure you come prepared. Most people do the hike April to September. May tends to be one of the most popular months. Dark nights are about 4pm during winter.

Here's an up to date forcast


Can I wild camp

Yes absolutely. At the time or writing, wild camping is legal in Scotland which is great for those looking to camp. Be sure to read the Scottish Outdoors Access Code for rules which include being respectful of locals and animals, picking your rubbish after you, not parking close to roads.

Please also note ... Wild Camping is not allowed between March and October from just before Balmaha to just after Rowardennan and also about 200mts before and after Beinglas Farm


Do I need to carry my own bag?

No. You can find companies here in this app who will carry your bags (and other items) for you to allow you to enjoy your time on The West Highland Way.. They collect your bags in Milngavie, and your bags arrive at your accommodation each day before you do (usually). They will do this each day after you tell them where you are staying. If you would prefer to carry your own bag, that’s perfectly fine..


I’m a solo traveller, do I need to do the WHW myself?

We’re a social bunch in Scotland and people who do the West Highland Way are very social too. So you will be fine as a solo walker. Or why not join one of the many West Highland Way tours if you prefer organised company? But if you are on your own there is a good chance you will meet fellow Wayers at each stop if you don’t want to commit to a tour. 


How bad are the West Highland Way midges

I am afraid all the stories you have heard about these pesky beasties are true and can really ruin your trip. From June – August we see the worst of the swarms. Purchase a good repellent to ward them off. Many people say Smidge is the best for keeping the little blighters away


Is there Wi-Fi and phone access along the way

You won’t get phone or internet access the whole way as you will venture into some very remote places. Most of the usual stop off towns and villages should have access so you are only a day away from reconnecting with the world.


A few West Highland Way tips?


  • Break in your shoes months before attempting the West Highland Way. DO NOT wear footwear that are new and unused, no matter how comfortable they feel at first
  • Make sure you pack a torch or camping lantern and compass 
  • Practice. Just because you can walk to the local shops and back doesn’t mean you can walk The West Highland Way. Do as many 20-mile day hikes as you can in the months before.
  • Stay comfortable and get yourself a camping pillow
  • Invest in a decent raincoat. Make it light so that it is easily carried and will fit over your normal clothes
  • Pack flip-flops (or even light slippers) for the evenings to give your feet some breathing space
  • Biofreeze is excellent for aches and pains
  • Above all have fun. 
  • Don’t be ashamed if you are not able to finish the whole 96 miles. Count it as a practice for the next time you walk the walk.
  • Take as many pictures as possible.